Thursday 4 February 2016

STOP the rumours and get the FACTS!!! 1

Hello people, i have had a great day at our clinic outreach today,and am sure my clients went home happy,although some women wont take my advise for a thing- thats very common, we know them when we see'em. 

There has been this common questioning on every woman's mind especially the younger adults who are yet to be married and older women who still wants more children.The question is can i still have children after taking this family planning method? say the Injectables.

I heard that if i take family planning i will not have any more shyid (that is child in the yoruba accent), i heard that if i take family planning my womb wont function again. i heard this, i heard that...hmmmmm everyone hears everything.every one is a teacher-i agree, but stop that RUMOUR!

Fertility is a major concern for women and their partners so we look at Infertility which is the inability of a woman to get pregnant after 12 - 24 months of having unprotected sex or inability to carry pregnancy till full term. 

Infertility can be primary or secondary. Primary infertility refers to couples who have not become pregnant after at least one year of having sex without using birth control pills.
secondary infertility is when a couple have gotten pregnant once and are unable to have another one.

Causes of infertility will include:  
Infections, ovarian issues, tubal blockage, older aged couple, uterine problems,advanced maternal age.

The use of contraceptives inhibits ovulation thereby preventing pregnancies at the time of use,once a couple is ready to have another child all that is required is to cease using the method and fertility returns back to normal.

It may take one month to a few months for our cycle to return as it took few months for the body to reduce bleeding that might have occurred after the introduction to the device taken to prevent pregnancy.

In some women, fertility returns immediately, for some other women they might experience up to six month delay which will be corrected in no time so stop the PANIC.

Research has it that contraceptives such as pills can help a woman's fertility by reducing the incidence of a number of conditions that could affect fertility such as fibroid or ectopic pregnancies. 

You should not be worried even as much as 6- 12 months if fertility is yet to return. After stopping the contraceptive, which ever method you choose, you will ovulate and thus get pregnant...*wink*

Summary...neither the pills, nor the injections, implants or the copper T intrauterine device will cause infertility.

Always share what you know, your information can save 1000 maternal death, Ignorance is not a device.