Thursday 23 June 2016

LET IT BREATHE - Vaginal Thrush, Yeast Infection, Candida

This is a very embarrassing situation with a fowl fishy smell and sometimes intensive itching. 

Apart from itching and fowl smell which can be as a resulting of sweating, How else can you tell that you have a yeast  infection ?

Vaginal Irritation : As the individual herself is also irritated with mood swings and depression

Burning sensation - it really burns like a calm fire especially during urination, during or after intercourse.

Redness and swelling of the can examine that using a mirror.

Vagina pain or soreness.

Rash around the double folds of the vagina.

Cheese like discharge: with or without smell- this is very common

But you see, sometimes its not your fault so please don't blame it on you, It is also not a Toilet INFECTION- TAKE NOTE

A healthy vagina has a mix of yeast and bacteria. there could be an overgrowth of yeast due to a lack of LACTOBACILLUS bacteria which helps to keep the natural yeast from overgrowing.

Have you being treating candidasis and its not letting you go???

Some of us who patronize over the counter medication without a prescription, or those who take antibiotics when it is not really required especially in the treatment of flu or catarrh, subject yourself to candida by causing a reduction in the vaginal PH -
(Normal Flora)

Pregnancy and hormones could also make a woman come down with a yeast infection.

Low immunity resulting from poor nutrition.

People living with HIV/AIDS- get yourself tested today.

Using some form of contraceptives.


Perfumed soap, detergent.

Anal sex.

Jean trouser, tight, buddie pad, pant, equal to tight clothing- Avoid This

To remedy this diseases and to save some embarrassment: 

Let IT BREATHE - no tight clothing, sleep with no panties on

Dont douche, use perfume soap or scrub with sponge...water is just fine to use...e no get enemy...You hear!!!

Change sanitary pads regularly- no mathematics for this one abeg, make people no close shop because of you.

Candida happens more in the obese or people with high sugar level- moral lesson: loose weight and cut down your sugar intake.

Take in Plain yogurt- Go to the shop closest to you and buy. They contain live active organism that helps fight yeast infection.

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