Friday 16 October 2015

An Argument only Sayana Press could solve.,,

A student at one of the universities in Lagos state calls Sayana Press "SHARP SHARP" her boyfriend would only use the Fiesta condoms when he has #100 naira change in his pocket while returning from work. As much as he doesn't want his babe to get pregnant he most times forget to buy.

This situation apparently becoming a trend put both partners off in bed as they are "about to" and this bad guy ends up sleeping hopelessly as Ruth is not ready to surrender, not after she has heard all the implications of unwanted pregnancy and her education.

 On a sunday morning, after a frustrated night, Ruth opens her diary to find a family planning service handbill that was given to her at the entrance of her school, she needed help badly, luckily she finds behind the hand bill description of all contraceptive distributed by DKT Nigeria, and one thing caught her attention Sayana Press.

As she begins to read about this family planning method, here's what she found out:

Sayana Press is a long acting reversible contraceptive that contains a progesterone hormone.
it prevents pregnancy by preventing the egg from fully developing and being released from the ovaries during your menstrual cycle.

This is an injection that  can be administered on the thigh or the lower abs and will give you protection for 13 weeks, there would be no need to calculate for daily doses (if you didn't make your grades in math in secondary school

  Sayana Press can cause side effect of change in menstrual flow, although not everybody gets them.
If you dont want to continue with sayana, pregnancy can occur within three to five months, if not please repeat at every 13 weeks.

...Ruth thought to her self about how much the sight of the typical nurses needle frightens her, yet again she read further and realized that sayana press comes in a Unijet form, a tiny needle with an already prepared suspension administered.

This is what i have being waiting for.  An adoring smile on Ruth's face, her heart tells her "

This is carry GO!!!

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